Earlier this week my sister and brother in law decided that they just did not have the time they needed to devote to their adorable little puppy Rowley so they started looking for a home for it. Kashton begs me for a dog all the time and tells me how much he misses Chief at every dog sighting. I decided that we would take the dog in.
Look at this cute little face and tell me how I could not fall in love with him. But he was a biter and Kashton was scared of him and Mike did not want him and we were going to have to train him and and and... so we decided after only one night of keeping him that he had to go back. I sat Kashton down and had a very grown up discussion with him about it. I told him that we could not keep the doggie and he got sad and said then I wont have any doggie. I asked him if he even liked Rowley and he told me no but that he really wanted a dog. So I told him that he could play with him one more time and then we would take him back to Sarah.
They played in the front yard and Kashton told me that he was mad at me for taking Rowley back but he was okay about 5 seconds after we dropped him off. We went to Target from there and...
This is the dog he came home with. Much more managable for mom and dad and he takes care of it all on his own. He even made Superman (yes that is what he named his dog) his own bed. He made sure it was right next to him at night because he didn't want the dog to get lonely.