Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Stomping

I do believe that my child was meant to live in Utah because he absolutely adores the snow. On Thursday it snowed here in good ol' OK, and I do mean actually snowed, like snow snow. Anyway on Thursday night after some had come down Mike took Kashton outside for a minute to look at the snow, he came back in the house and excitedly told me "mama I snow stompin". All day Friday he was asking to go snow stomping (which is just as it sounds stomping the snow with his boots) but I had a lot to do around the house so it had to wait. Once Mike got home and I went to work the snow fun was on.

Mike let Kashton wear his Viking stuff and bring his sword outside with him. When I got home I asked him if he played in the snow and he told me that he chopped it with his sword.

Kashton "snow stomping" right outside our front door.

Covered in snow after he was done playing. It doesn't seem to bother him that he is getting wet and cold.
On Saturday Mike wanted to go "snowboarding" (really just sliding down a small hill on his snowboard) with a few of his friends. He asked if I wanted to bring Kashton sledding while they snowboarded so we went to a hill and went sledding. Kashton absolutely LOVED it. Every time that we would get to the bottom he would stand up, shake off the snow, and say "again mommy" so again we went.

Kashton standing on Mike's snowboard trying it out. He tells me that he wants to snowboard. I think we will wait a few years for that though.

At the bottom of the hill after the first time that we went down.
We had so much fun I think we are going to try to go again!!


jessica& said...

I can't believe the weather in OK this year! I am glad Kashton loves the snow and is a UT boy at heart.

Ashley said...

BROOOKE! Please call me as soon as you can. It's important. 518-7635

Our story said...

he is adorable.see, he knows he need to live in Utah too.